I have a question for you.
What’s holding you back from following through on your health and weight loss goals?
Is it not enough reliable information?
Absolutely this could be true. There is a dizzying amount of voices in the health and fitness space these days.
Is it not enough time?
With our busy lives, it’s sometimes challenging to create a space for our own self-care and time to sort through all the recommendations.
Is it not enough motivation?
How can we even think to be focused on this goal, when there are so many things competing for our attention in our day-to-day life.
I think for me several years ago, it was definitely a combination of all of the above. I was stuck and couldn’t see a way out.
Whatever your unique situation, I believe the single most common underlying obstacle is the same for all of us who struggle (or have struggled) to gain weight and health freedom.
It sounds simple and obvious, but many of us are in denial that it is actually fear that prevents us from achieving the freedom we desire.
Fear that we will ultimately fail or gain the weight back, fear we won’t do it right, fear we will pick the wrong method, fear it won’t work for us even if we try, fear that we will lose the weight and our life will still suck, fear we will change our relationship to ourselves and to those around us, fear it will be so hard and we will be uncomfortable.
So much freaking fear.
I can literally feel the fear in my body every time I think about myself before I lost the weight and turned my life around.
It is a deep, aching feeling mixed with hopelessness.
What does your fear feel like to you?
I lived with the feelings of fear and hopelessness for so long. Looking back now, it was definitely longer than I needed to. Mostly, because no one taught me that there is another way to live.
Once I was aware that there was a different way, I realized I was going to be more scared staying where I was. Therefore, I was willing to try this different way in hopes it may bring me a new outcome.
So…how did I get around the fear? How did I get rid of it?
I actually neither side-stepped, nor extinguished it.
So how was it possible for me?
This is how I did it……I decided that I could be scared and do it anyway.
🤯 Mind blown? Read on.
What if you realized that although you’ve experienced fear in your life, that fear never actually hurt you or stopped you.
What if you just let yourself try?
Think back on your life and remember for example…when you were playing your very first soccer or volleyball game, went on your first rollercoaster ride, tried out for the 8th grade play, took your SAT or ACT, showed up to your first date, went through college or grad school, prepared and completed your first job interview, decided to have a baby (pregnancy plus the parenting that follows!), or anything else in life that was super scary, but you remember that you pulled yourself together and did it anyways.
I invite you to apply this idea to your dilemma about formally committing to yourself this year, this month, this week, today, right now.
It is hard, but you can do it anyways. You are capable.
If you want it badly enough you can find a way to achieve it. You always can find a way.
As in many of the examples above, you had support and help and you don’t have to do this alone either. If someone needed you to lend them a hand, you would happily do it, right?
You don’t have to believe it 100% for it to still happen. If you wait on all your life decisions until you’re 100% sure of the outcome, you wouldn’t leave your house.
You don’t have to do it perfectly. Perfection is the thief of success.
You just have to be willing to try in spite of the fear. Failing is part of winning. Without knowing how to fail, we don’t know when we’ve won.
If you’re willing to try while feeling the fear, like you’ve done countless times before, the possibility of losing weight and becoming a healthier more alive version of yourself actually becomes just that, a possibility! It is no longer a fantasy or a dream.
When you put action behind your desires, that’s when the magic happens and the dreams come true.
Don’t let fear ever stop you. Fear is just a normal human feeling.
When you have a coach, you can overcome whatever it may be that’s getting in your way of your dreams. You can be supported, encouraged, and have your brain fact-checked when it tries to lovingly protect you when things get uncomfortable.
Don’t continue to wait. Possibility is always out there, you just have to be willing to take one step toward it at a time.
Wishing you the courage to take the next step while being afraid and also the resourcefulness to provide yourself what you require to get started or keep going.
Bon courage,
Coach Penny ⭐️
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